did you know

Humboldt students come from all over the state, and they are more diverse in race, ethnicity, financial means, and family background than ever before. Under Graduation Initiative 2025, we have a bold mission to improve retention and graduation rates while recruiting a consistent population of new students to help meet the state’s workforce needs. Come here for weekly stats, graphics, and tidbits that will enrich your understanding of our university and our students.


ftug time to degree graphic

Exciting trend: Humboldt students are graduating faster!

Humboldt has worked diligently to reduce the time it takes students to complete their degrees, and these efforts are bearing fruit. This graphic represents cohorts of students who arrive as new freshmen at Humboldt and graduate within six years. Since 2008, each new group of students has reached the finish line faster than their predecessors. Reducing the time to graduation allows young people to enter the workforce more quickly, and it can decrease the debt burdens they take with them.