Graduation, Retention and Achievement Gap Analysis
Below are links to university graduation and retention reports and analysis. If you don't find what you need, please contact us or fill out a data request form.
FTFTUG Retention and Graduation Rate Comparison
Dashboard showing comparison of retention or graduation rates for first-time, full-time undergraduates (FTFTUG), where the two comparison groups can be filtered by gender, underrepresented minority (URM), or first-generation status
FTFTUG Retention by Cohort
Webreport for first-time full-time freshman cohort showing 10-year retention and 5-year averages, by gender, underrepresented minority, and IPEDS ethnicity
Transfer Retention by Cohort
Webreport for transfer cohort showing 10-year retention and 5-year averages, by gender, underrepresented minority, and IPEDS ethnicity
Cohort Graduation Rates
Webreport showing counts and percentages for graduation, based on cohort and time to degree by gender, underrepresented minority, and IPEDS ethnicity
Degrees Awarded
Webreport showing degrees granted by major or minor, by degree type and college/department
Degrees Awarded by Sex (IPEDS) and URM Category
Webreport showing counts and percentages for undergraduate degrees awarded by college and department
Certificates Awarded
Webreport showing certificates of study awarded by academic year
Major Program Flow (Sankey Diagrams)
CSU Sankey charts showing the flow of First Time Full Time Freshman between majors (Faculty/Staff login required).
Terms and Units Completed to Degree (by Cohort)
Webreport showing number of degrees awarded and terms/units completed to degree, by major program, year by year and with five-year aggregations