Burning Glass

Burning Glass Technologies is a company that uses labor market and employment data to provide programs information about employment potential, competitive landscape, market alignment and key competencies.  This links below provide a PDF for each program within the college by Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes and program name.  A list of Humboldt CIP codes can be found here


College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

College of Natural Resources and Sciences

College of Professional Studies





Accessibility Assurance for Accountability and Transparency

We are committed to accessibility and are making every effort to provide our data and reports in a manner that is easy to navigate and accessible to all. If you have suggestions or have problems viewing items on this site or any of the attached documents, please e-mail the webmaster at ie@humboldt.edu. We appreciate your input! Click here to download Adobe Reader to view PDF files. Click here to download Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer.